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SNP 3Rs 

Slovak National Platform for 3Rs 
Reduce - Refine - Replace 

 animal use in research, development and education 


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September 8, 2020

Webinar on non-animal derived antibodies

EURL-ECVAM, NICEATM and the PETA will organise a webinar on non-animal derived antibodies. It will take place on 16 September, the link allows also to register.

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September 6, 2020

JRC Summer School - ESTIV travel grants 

The European Society of Toxicology In Vitro (ESTIV) is happy to announce that it will be offering three travel grants of maximum € 500 each to three young scientists wanting to participate in the JRC Summer School 2021 on Non-animal Approaches in Science: The Three R…evolution, to be held from 18 to 21 May 2021 at the European Commission Joint Research Centre (JRC) site in Ispra (Italy).

The JRC Summer School is specifically tailored for post-graduate students (e.g. master and PhD students) and early-career scientists (max. 4 years after master) working in the biosciences and will focus on non-animal methods and technologies and the opportunities and challenges associated with their application in various fields such as regulatory toxicology and biomedical research. More information on the JRC Summer School can be found here:

Please visit ESTIV Web to obtain more information on the travel bursaries 

January 11, 2020

Voice of Alternative Methods in Slovakia - Report from the TOXCON 2019 

The TOXCON 2019 Conference hosted a specialised session on the implementation of 3Rs in Science and Education in Slovakia. The session was supported by EFSA. The report from the meeting was kindly prepared by Ing. Lucia Milec and contains a lot of useful information from the meeting as well as on the stakeholders in 3Rs in Slovakia....

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May 8, 2019

New Guideline has been published....

As part of ongoing efforts to reduce waste and increase the reproducibility of animal research and testing, a group of experts led by the Secretary of Norecopa has produced a set of guidelines for planning animal experiments:

PREPARE (Planning Research and Experimental Procedures on Animals: Recommendations for Excellence)

Visit NORECOPA web to learm more:

April 24, 2019

Importance of national platform...

The idea for establishment of 3Rs center in Slovakia was under the discussion among the Slovak scientists, regulators and industry already since 2015. Strategy concept of a national 3Rs center was presented at the TOXCON 2016 Conference, organized by the Slovak Toxicology Society SETOX in High Tatras, and further discussed between several members of the National Committee for Alternative Methods (NOVS) at the EUROTOX 2017 Congress in Bratislava.

As a follow up, the Ministry for Agriculture and Rural Development of Slovak Republic organized in February 2018 an informal meeting of NOVS members, invited experts in toxicology and pharmacology, representatives of Slovak Academy of Science and academia, industry representatives and governmental organizations involved in the implementation of the EU legislation on animal welfare and protection in order to discuss the collaboration between the parties and to express an interest and formal support to the national 3Rs center. The attendees of that meeting fully endorsed an establishment of the Slovak National Platform for Three Rs (SNP 3Rs) that should stimulate development and implementation of the alternative methods in Slovakia.”

The platform was officially launched at the annual meeting of the Slovak Toxicology Society SETOX on June 21st 2018 at the Toxicology Conference TOXCON 2018.

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February 19, 2020

Dr. Kandarova shortlisted for 2020 Lush prize 

Slovak toxicologist Helena Kandarova has been shortlisted for the Lush Prize 2020. The senior scientist at the Centre of experimental medicine of the Slovak Academy of Sciences is shortlisted in two categories - LOBBYING for her work on validation and implementation of alternative methods into the regulatory toxicology, and in the category SCIENCE - as a member of the US-based Medical Device In Vitro Irritation Team dealing with in vitro irritation testing of medical devices. The work has also been awarded by the US SOT in 2017 and 2019. Dr. Kandarova is a co-founder of the Slovak national platform for 3R principles. The Lush Prize winners will be announced in May. 

More information about the Lush prize can be found here:

An interview with Dr. Kandarova  on the topic of alternative methods is available at:

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